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FLORENCEK PARADISE elevates fabrics into accessories, combining elegance, cuteness, and individuality.

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Updated: Apr 19, 2024

小眾品牌FLORENCEK PARADISE將布料升華到飾品,將優雅、可愛、個性融合

Compared to visually striking clothing items and colors, the creation of a personal style atmosphere relies heavily on accessories such as perfume and jewelry that are worn. In the light and airy summer season, accessories become one of the most important details for fashionable women. If you are searching for unique designs that are not easily found, you may be pleasantly surprised by the jewelry from designer FLORENCEK K.

相較於視覺強烈的服裝單品和色彩,能形塑出個人風格的氛圍營造,更取決於身上所穿的香水、首飾等配件點綴,而來到造型格外輕盈的夏日,飾品們就成為時髦女生最為注重的細節之一,如果你也在尋覓那個不容易撞款的小眾設計,來自設計師FLORENCEK K首飾或許會令你驚喜連連!


Florence K incorporates a unique perspective in the use and combination of lightweight fabric elements. Petals, gemstones, and pearls are integrated into earrings, creating a special sense of beauty. Each element is carefully selected and handcrafted, resulting in visual effects that are different from the norm.

對於輕紗物料元素的運用和搭配擁有獨特視角,Florence K 將花瓣、寶石和珍珠融入耳環上,帶出特殊美感,每一個元素都經過細心挑選與手工處理,呈現出不同以往的視覺效果。


Presenting the beauty of nature through simple techniques is the initial intention of Florence K's designs. The brand aims to offer accessories that can be worn by people of all ages and styles, focusing on timeless and emotionally resonant designs instead of following trends. Besides being suitable for personal wear, many girls consider Florence K's pieces to be impressive jewelry that makes excellent gifts. Interested readers may want to pay attention and take a look.

以簡單手法呈現自然之美,是 Florence K 的設計初衷,品牌希望能帶來年齡時代與風格都能穿著的飾品,不跟隨流行趨勢,而是帶出雋永而觸動心弦的設計,除了自己配戴,也有不少女生認為  Florence K  的作品非常適合作為送禮,是會讓人留下深刻印象的珠寶。感興趣的讀者不妨可以留意看看。

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